Tuesday, November 23, 2010

LOL =)))

One of Google's most popular tools - Google Maps - has a joke for us.
Follow the instructions and Laugh Out Loud!!!
1. > Go to the Google Maps website.

2. > Click on "Como chegar".

3.> Write "Japão" for your origin.

4. > Write "China" for your destiny.

5. > Read the Step 43.

6. > When you manage to stop laughing,
share this with your friends so they can laugh as well!

*to manage - conseguir
* to laugh - rir

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mamãe mandou eu escolher esse daqui...

Kids play. It doesn't matter their nationalities.

Have you ever seen kids playing hide-and-seek (esconde-esconde) in english? What about Eeny Meeny Miny Moe (Uni-duni-duni-te. Salame-min-guê)?

*have you ever = você já...?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thank you

Leah é uma publicitária de Los Angeles que sempre ouviu sua mãe dizendo que deveria agradecer pelas coisas :) Com essa idéia, ela criou um blog onde todos as pequenas coisas de seu dia a dia acabam sendo um motivo para agradecer – a natureza, um livro, uma pessoa, um sentimento ou qualquer coisa que passar por ela (o máximo!).
Quase todo dia, algum recadinho novo é postado no thx thx thx. Uma ótima inspiração, pra gente enxergar as coisas de uma forma mais leve e divertida :)

Dá uma olhada!
* period = menstruação
**quick = rápido(a)
***painless = indolor
appreciated = apreciado.
best = best wishes, desejo omelhor

door = porta
while = enquanto
change their clothes = trocam de roupa
Dear = querido(a)(s)
kind of way = maneira
Cheers - saudações, saúde

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tiririca, Romário etc

What have we done?

Quanto custa um deputado? - Superinteressante

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tiririca perde a graça

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Personality Test

The SUPERINTERESSANTE magazine made up a Personality Test.

I took the test and it is veeeeery good.
It is even scary (assustador)!!!

Comment your results here!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Visual Twitter

TWAGGIES is a website where you can see cartoons illustrating the text people tweet on Twitter.

"Oh, brand-new (novinho) computer. When (quando) the bad times come, let's be sure (tenhamos certeza) to remember today, when you were clean (limpo) and fast (rápido) and we loved each other (um ao outro) so."

You know (sabe) you're a geek (nerd) when you hear thunder (trovão) and then (depois) check Google weather (clima) instead of (em vez de) looking out the damn window.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


An billboard (outdoor) advertisement generated embarassment (constrangimento). It had a spelling mistake (erro de ortografia).
They confused "public schools" (escolas públicas) with "pubic schools" (algo como escolas pubianas).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reciclagem Hype

"Ai, tudo que eu vejo de reutilização de material é tão cafona…” Right??... Wrong!!

Take a look at the following works of this two Pop Artists.

# The american Mike Stilkey recycles books. He piles up (empilha), paints them and turns them (transforma-os) in pieces of art (obras de arte). He calls them "escultura de livros”. Check him out: http://www.mikestilkey.com/

# The italian Antônio Chiesa does something similar. He paints over pages of old magazines (revistas velhas). He makes fashion mosaics of Pop images. See more at:: http://www.village9991.it/vlg/

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charlie Chaplin

The Great Dictator ( O Grande Ditador) is an american comedy, directed by Chales Chaplin.
It makes fun of Nazism, Fascism and its dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. It is also (também) Chaplin's first sound picture (filme falado).

. . .

By the end of the movie, Chaplins's character (personagem) gives a speech (discurso), speaking of Human Rights (direitos) and the Second World War.

. . .

We have developed speed
but we have shut ourselves in.

Desenvolvemos a velocidade,
mas nos sentimos enclausurados nela.

Machinery that gives abundance
has left us in want.

O maquinário que dá abundância
nos deixou na vontade.

Our knowleddge has made us cynical.

Nossa sabedoria nos fez cínicos.

Our cleverness, hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little.

Nossa esperteza, duros e cruéis.
Pensamos demais e sentimos de menos.

More than machinery,
we need humanity.

Mais que máquinas,
precisamos de humanidade.

More than cleverness,
we need kindness and gentleness.

Mais que esperteza,
precisamos de gentileza e cavalheirismo.

Without these qualities,
life will be violent
and all will be lost.

Sem essas virtudes,
a vida será violenta
e tudo estará perdido.


Atrás das linhas inimigas

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Não Faz Sentido! - Políticos

It doen't make sense - Politicians

You think (acha) politics are boring (chata)...
You don't care (importar-se) about the elections...
Well, this young guy, Felipe Neto, has a few things to tell you.
Don't mind (nao ligue) the bad words (palavroes)and pay attention to the message.
Most (maioria) of you are already 16 years old.

You can (pode) VOTE!
And do it right!

- - - - - - - -

Felipe Neto is a young carioca guy. He is an actor. He started uploading funny videos (VLOGS) on Youtube one year ago and became famous. His video about TWILIGHT is nominated for MTV's VMB - on the Webstar category [VOTE for Felipe Neto on MTV's website here. I did!].

Special thanks for Saulo!!
I heard of Felipe Neto's videos from this student, Saulo. Thank yoooou!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

DANGER ! ! ! !

This is a
serious topic. So I decided to write some of it in portuguese. It concerns your health! Read it!

Relative humidity (UMIDADE RELATIVA DO AR ) is how much vapor there is in the atmosphere.

By the end od winter (inverno) the Relative Humidity is the lowest (a mais baixa) of the year.

Today (hoje) in Rio de Janeiro, the average (media) Relative Humidity is around (por volta de) 14% and 27%.



  • Complicações alérgicas e respiratórias devido ao ressecamento de mucosas;
  • Sangramento pelo nariz;
  • Ressecamento da pele;
  • Irritação dos olhos;
  • Eletricidade estática nas pessoas e em equipamentos eletrônicos;
  • Aumento do potencial de incêndios em pastagens e florestas



Entre 20 e 30% - Estado de Atenção

  • Evitar exercícios físicos ao ar livre entre 11 e 15 horas
  • Umidificar o ambiente através de vaporizadores, toalhas molhadas, recipientes com água, molhamento de jardins etc.
  • Sempre que possível permanecer em locais protegidos do sol, em áreas vegetadas etc.
  • Consumir água à vontade.

Entre 12 e 20% - Estado de Alerta

(O RJ deveria estar em ALERTA e tomando estas providencias!!!)

  • Suprimir exercícios físicos e trabalhos ao ar livre entre 10 e 16 horas
  • Evitar aglomerações em ambientes fechados
  • Usar soro fisiológico para olhos e narinas

Abaixo de 12% - Estado de emergência

  • Determinar a interrupção de qualquer atividade ao ar livre entre 10 e 16 horas como aulas de educação física, coleta de lixo, correios, etc.

  • Determinar a suspensão de atividades que exijam aglomerações de pessoas em recintos fechados:: como aulas, cinemas etc entre 10 e 16 horas

  • Durante as tardes, manter com umidade os ambientes internos, principalmente quarto de crianças, hospitais etc.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The body of a model is never synonim of beautiful or healthy. Being a size 5 or 0... being hot, skinny, chubby. Whatever!
Your size does not mean you are not sexy, beautiful or trendy.
Thinking of girls' self-esteem, the designer Marilyn Wan created a scale. The scale is fluffy pink and has NO NUMBERS!
It was designed to stop with the drama for diets. The scale compliments you!!! Take a look!
It costs U$45 and it is sold out on the online store http://voluptuart.com/.

SEXY = sensual
CUTE = fofa, bonitinha
RAVISHING = arrebatadora
LOVELY = adoravel
HOT= gostosa
PERFECT= perfeita
FINE= bela, encantadora


being = ser
chubby = fofa, gordinho (o)
skinny = magerrimo (a)
healthy = saudavel
mean = significar
trendy= estiloso(a), na moda
self-esteem= autoestima
think = pensar
scale= balanca
fluffy= fofo, macio

Vintage Technology

What is in this man's hand?
A wireless telephone? A walkie-talkie?.... No! It is a CELL PHONE!!! The very fisrt "celular".

An agency in Sao Paulo created ads “artificially aged by time”. This ads campaign imitate ads from the 60s and show Skype, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube vintage-like.

The campaign says: "Everything gets old quickly, update yourself."

It helps us to understand NOW, how our technology will be seen in a few years.


campaign = campanha
understand = entender
wil be seen = sera vista
few = poucos
quick = rapido
old = velho
60s = anos sessenta
age = idade, envelhecimento

Para ver os anúncios grandes clique aqui.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Recuperação INGLES


In our self-absorbed age, everything is the newest New
Thing or the biggest Big Thing. This spirit inevitably invests
the Internet with transcendent significance. Steve Case of
America Online already calls the new century "the Internet
Century," and some authorities whisper that the Internet
rivals the importance of Gutemberg's invention of the printing
press in the 15th century. We suffer from historical amnesia.
Suppose you were born in 1900. You wouldn't yet watch
movies, let alone global TV. The airplane hadn't been invented,
and Henry Ford wouldn't produce the first Model T until 1908.
Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. homes had phones, and fewer
than 8 percent had electricity. Antibiotics hadn't been
discovered. As yet the Internet isn't in the same league with
these developments.
Each changed lifestyles and popular beliefs. The automobile
suburbanized America and inaugurated mass travel.
Antibiotics, vaccines and public-health advances helped
raise life expectancy from 46 in 1900 to 77 today. The
explosion of prosperity - a consequence of electricity, other
technologies and modern management - shortened working
hours and expanded leisure. Movies and TV transformed
popular culture. As a matter of fact, the Internet is too young
for anyone to foretell its ultimate significance.
Our historical amnesia could benefit from the words of a
Tennessee farmer at a church meeting in the 1940s. "Brothers
and sisters, I want to tell you this," he said. "The greatest thing
on earth is to have the love of God in your heart, and the next
greatest is to have electricity in your home." Can the Internet
really top that?

From Newsweek, January 24, 2000

1Na linha 1, "self-absorbed" significa:

(A) materialistic.
(B) revolutionary.
(C) self-admiring.
(D) competitive.
(E) self-conscious

2) Nós sofremos de "historical amnesia" (linhas 7 e 24) porque:

(A) we invest all developments with unparalleled significance.
(B) we fail to remember some wise words uttered back in the 40s.
(C) we tend to forget major developments and inventions of the past.
(D) it is too soon to assess the importance of the Internet.
(E) the lessons of the past are necessarily forgotten.

3) Qual a idéia central do segundo parágrafo?

(A) The Model T was a car manufactured by Henry Ford in 1908.
(B) The invention of antibiotics was less important than that of the Internet.
(C) The use of electric power and telephone services was not widespread in 1900.
(D) So far the Internet hasn't proved to be as important as some earlier inventions.
(E) Movies and cable TV were not available at the turn of the century.

4) Marque a alternativa correta:

(A) "these" (linha 14) refers to "antibiotics" (linha 12).
(B) "its" (linha 23) refers to "Internet" (linha 22).
(C) "this" (linha 26) refers to "historical amnesia" (linha 24).
(D) "this" (linha 26) refers to "church meeting" (linha 25).
(E) "that" (linha 29) refers to "home" (linha 28).

5) Marque a única alternativa verdadeira de acordo com o texto:

(A) Popular culture is a consequence of movies and global TV.
(B) The automobile allowed people to live far from the center of big cities.
(C) In the year 1900 electricity was more common in U.S. homes than telephones.
(D) Some authorities believe that the Internet will replace the printing press.
(E) All religious people believe that electricity is the greatest thing on earth besides God's love

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Graffiti + love

So cuuuuute!!!
A guy proposed to his girlfriend.... in a different (and kinda weird) way!

Watch and see!!

to propose = pedir em casamento
guy = cara* (coloquial: homem, rapaz)
kinda = (gíria, abrev. de "kind of") meio que, um tanto quanto
weird = estranho, esquisito
way = maneira, forma, caminho, jeito

Friday, July 16, 2010

The two talking cats

What are they saying anyway?????


to say = falar
to talk = conversar
anyway = afinal, de quqlquer jeito/forma/maneira

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Anima Mundi 2010

O mundo da animação

Just watch!!!

Just something I HAD to share with you!!

to watch = assistir
just = só, apenas
something = algo, alguma coisa
had = passado do verbo to Have (ter)
to share = dividir, compatilhar

Monday, July 12, 2010

A falsa ciência que criminaliza o videogame - Superinteressante

Os dados mostram que jogos não causam violência juvenil. E conclusões contrárias só vêm de estudos ruins

por Christopher J. Ferguson*

Em países como EUA e Coreia do Sul, os esforços para regulamentar videogames voltaram. O argumento: games contribuiriam para o comportamento agressivo de jovens. Esses esforços podem ser bem-intencionados. Mas estão baseados em pesquisas realizadas com falhas básicas.

Se ouvem falar de estudos que ligam games a agressividade, muitos pais devem imaginar seus filhos batendo nos outros por aí. Eles não sabem que agressões físicas raramente são analisadas em pesquisas científicas. Nos estudos, o comportamento é testado com atividades como estourar balões ou preencher letras que faltam em palavras (pra ver em que os participantes estão pensando).

Além disso, algumas pesquisas são direcionadas. Um dos estudos de referência na área foi publicado em 2000 por professores da Iowa State University e do Lenoir Rhyne College, nos EUA. Nele, jovens ouviam um barulho - detonado por outro competidor - quando perdiam em um jogo. Quatro métodos foram usados para descobrir se os participantes se irritavam com aquilo. Só em um desses métodos a irritação apareceu. Mas os pesquisadores se concentraram nele, porque se aplicava à tese do estudo. E ignoraram o resultado negativo dos outros 3.

Quando usadas medidas válidas de agressão, e considerada a influência de família e comunidade nos jovens, o efeito dos games não se comprova. E, mesmo que ignorássemos as falhas das pesquisas, os resultados encontrados são irrelevantes. Os estudos indicam que games causam aumento de entre 0 e 2,5% no nível de agressividade. É pouco. Ou seja, no debate sobre violência, um lado defende que o efeito dos jogos é nenhum, e o outro defende que é quase nenhum. Ainda assim, pesquisadores difundem a ideia de que gamesgeram o mesmo risco para a sociedade que ameaças de saúde pública, como o cigarro. (Veja no quadro abaixo.)

Nas últimas décadas, a popularidade dos games disparou em países como EUA e Japão. Já as taxas de violência juvenil caíram. Precisamos nos concentrar em outros fatores se quisermos acabar com a violência entre jovens, comoviolência familiar e pobreza. Esses, sim, são ameaças à sociedade.

* Christopher J. Ferguson é doutor em psicologia clínica e professor de ciências aplicadas e comportamentais da Texas A&M International University.
Os artigos aqui publicados não representam necessariamente a opinião da SUPER.

DAQUI -> Superinteressante

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cute images help productivity

We cannot help smiling at the picture above. Guess what?
Psychologists at the University of Virginia (The USA) tested the effect of cute images on people. The volunteers that saw pictures of baby cats and dogs had better performance in a game called OPERATION*.
Their conclusion was that the "exposure to cuteness" makes us more "gentle" or "carefull". We get more coordinated and do better jobs!

to smile = sorrir
smile = sorriso
cannot help = não conseguir evitar
guess what = adivinha só
saw = to see no passado (ver)
better = melhor
exposure= exposição
cute/ cuteness = fofo, fofura

Fashion for boys

Speaking of Gossip Girl.... We have soooo many stylish boys in CEJLL-NAVE. And reading blog through the web I saw this:

STYLE: Ed Eastwick (Chuck Bass in GG)

In my opinion, his style matches our "carioca way of life" perfectly. Very effortless.

Skinny jeans + Custom T-shirt + flip flops

It`s basically skinny jeans, always very washed off or reeeeeally dark. His destroyed t-shirts are easy to copy... he is a fan of DIY (Do it yourself). He cuts his shirts himself. Makes holes or V necklines on them. You can do it on you shirts at home.
And last, but not least.... Havaianas! He loves flip flops!

More Ed Westwick's style here and here.
*Adapted from Fashionismo


Stylish = estiloso(a)
to match = combinar, encaixar, partida
washed off = desbotado
Do It Yourself = Faça você mesmo
necklines = decote, gola
holes = buracos

Gossip Girl - Season 4

Yeah!! It`s comming soon!

Serena Var der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Jenny Humphrey and... Georgina Spark!!!

The actresses that play Serena and Blair are on Paris, shooting for the next season. It will be on American TV on August and in Brazil on September. Take a look at some backstage pictures:

Jenny will be off at least for the first half of the season. But it is OK. As long as she isn't on TV, we can enjoy her work on the radio...(!!!)

Yes, Taylor Momsen, who plays Lil J. on GG, has a band! A rock band, The Pretty Reckless. In portuguese it can mean: "A Desastrada" ou "A imprudente". The word PRETTY can mean both "bem"and "muito" or "bonita". Did you know?!

Check it out!
I love her voice!!


comming soon = em breve
to shoot = filmar, atirar
to take a look at/ to check out = dar uma olhada
to be off = estar fora
backstage = bastidores

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Maybe you spend too much time in CEJLL-NAVE and still aren't aware of this.
Pernambuco is as flooded as Rio was 3 months ago. Pernambuco needs your contibution.
Talvez você passe tempo demais no CEJLL-NAVE e ainda não está sabendo... mas Pernambuco está tão alagada quanto o Rio estava 3 meses atrás. Pernambuco precisa da sua contribuição.

-----------------> Doações aqui

"Não reclame da sua vida,
por você não ter o carro ou a casa que gostaria.
Falta de sorte é outra coisa".