Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Personality Test

The SUPERINTERESSANTE magazine made up a Personality Test.

I took the test and it is veeeeery good.
It is even scary (assustador)!!!

Comment your results here!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Visual Twitter

TWAGGIES is a website where you can see cartoons illustrating the text people tweet on Twitter.

"Oh, brand-new (novinho) computer. When (quando) the bad times come, let's be sure (tenhamos certeza) to remember today, when you were clean (limpo) and fast (rápido) and we loved each other (um ao outro) so."

You know (sabe) you're a geek (nerd) when you hear thunder (trovão) and then (depois) check Google weather (clima) instead of (em vez de) looking out the damn window.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


An billboard (outdoor) advertisement generated embarassment (constrangimento). It had a spelling mistake (erro de ortografia).
They confused "public schools" (escolas públicas) with "pubic schools" (algo como escolas pubianas).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reciclagem Hype

"Ai, tudo que eu vejo de reutilização de material é tão cafona…” Right??... Wrong!!

Take a look at the following works of this two Pop Artists.

# The american Mike Stilkey recycles books. He piles up (empilha), paints them and turns them (transforma-os) in pieces of art (obras de arte). He calls them "escultura de livros”. Check him out: http://www.mikestilkey.com/

# The italian Antônio Chiesa does something similar. He paints over pages of old magazines (revistas velhas). He makes fashion mosaics of Pop images. See more at:: http://www.village9991.it/vlg/

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charlie Chaplin

The Great Dictator ( O Grande Ditador) is an american comedy, directed by Chales Chaplin.
It makes fun of Nazism, Fascism and its dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. It is also (também) Chaplin's first sound picture (filme falado).

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By the end of the movie, Chaplins's character (personagem) gives a speech (discurso), speaking of Human Rights (direitos) and the Second World War.

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We have developed speed
but we have shut ourselves in.

Desenvolvemos a velocidade,
mas nos sentimos enclausurados nela.

Machinery that gives abundance
has left us in want.

O maquinário que dá abundância
nos deixou na vontade.

Our knowleddge has made us cynical.

Nossa sabedoria nos fez cínicos.

Our cleverness, hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little.

Nossa esperteza, duros e cruéis.
Pensamos demais e sentimos de menos.

More than machinery,
we need humanity.

Mais que máquinas,
precisamos de humanidade.

More than cleverness,
we need kindness and gentleness.

Mais que esperteza,
precisamos de gentileza e cavalheirismo.

Without these qualities,
life will be violent
and all will be lost.

Sem essas virtudes,
a vida será violenta
e tudo estará perdido.


Atrás das linhas inimigas

Monday, September 20, 2010